Move all windows to one screen with Hammerspoon

When connecting to external displays, I commonly have the issue that windows are spread around in a unwanted order which can be annoying with large screens and projectors. I’m using the same method as in the earlier cascading windows post, but applying it to all windows. This can be bound to a hotkey or a called via hs.chooser menu.

function reverseArray(x)
    local n, m = #x, #x / 2
    for i = 1, m do
        x[i], x[n - i + 1] = x[n - i + 1], x[i]
    return x

function cascadeAllWindows()
    hs.window.animationDuration = 0
    local visibleWindows = hs.window.visibleWindows()

    local cursorScreen = hs.mouse.getCurrentScreen()
    local curPos = hs.mouse.absolutePosition()
    local x = curPos.x
    local y = curPos.y

    for i, window in ipairs(visibleWindows) do
        local f = window:frame()
        f.x = x
        f.y = y
        x = x + 30
        y = y + 30