In DD-WRT settings: Services -> Services -> Dnsmasq and in the additional options write the following: dhcp-option=br0,6,192.168.x.x br0 is the interface you want to configre it for, 6 means you’re...
Mikä on RSS? RSS, eli Rich Site Summary on XML-kieleen perustuva verkkosyötemuoto, joka tarjoaa sivun otsikon, linkin ja mahdollisesti muuta sisältöä kuten artikkelin tai osan artikkelia. Tämän syötteen voi tuoda...
Here is a list of phone models, the release year for that device, the version of the OS it launched with and to what OS version did it get updated...
Here are some benchmarks on Honor Play before and after the EMUI 9.1 update. With EMUI 9.1, Huawei changed the filesystem to their own one called EROFS, which they say...