Using Monitoror

Monitoror is an unified monitoring wallboard with support for basic HTTP requests, ICMP ping, port scanning, Azure DevOps Github, Gitlab, Jenkins and Pingdom support. With these features you could create a dashboard for monitoring everything in your development pipeline. My usecase is a bit simpler: monitoring my VPN & internet connection and some development services.

My current setup is similar to this:

  • Internet: ping public DNS servers (CloudFlare, Google, OpenDNS etc.), HTTP GET request for Google.
  • LAN: Ping router, Raspberry Pi & homeserver
  • Work: private & public internal services
  • Other: current IP via AWS check IP, ping CF DNS server and check if port 8080 is open on local machine.

With this setup I can quickly see what would be causing issues and get answers for the following troubleshooting questions:

  • Does my router respond to ping?
  • Does the Raspberry Pi respond to ping & HTTP GET?
  • Does Google respond to HTTP GET?
  • Is the recursive public DNS server up?
  • Do services behind the VPN respond?

In case of issues, I can directly see the possible source for issues. For example I was looking after a friend’s puppy and the dog managed to nudge the ethernet cable coming from the wall and the connection stopped working. All the non-local sources in Monitoror errored out and the culprit was instantly narrowed down to ISP issues or the cable coming to my router’s WAN port.

Example .env:


Example config.json:

    "version": "2.0",
    "columns": 2,
    "tiles": [
            "type": "GROUP",
            "label": "Internet",
            "tiles": [
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Google DNS 1", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Google DNS 2", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Cloudflare DNS 1", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Cloudflare DNS 2", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "OpenDNS 1", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "OpenDNS 2", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Quad9 DNS", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "HTTP-STATUS", "params": { "url": "", "statusCodeMax": 299 } }
            "type": "GROUP",
            "label": "LAN",
            "tiles": [
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Ping Router", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PING", "label": "Ping Pi", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
                { "type": "PORT", "label": "Port 53 Pi DNS server", "params": { "hostname": "", "port": 53 } }
        { "type": "PING", "label": "Cloudflare DNS 1", "params": { "hostname": "" } },
        { "type": "HTTP-RAW", "label": "IP", "params": { "url": "" } },
        { "type": "PORT", "label": "localhost:8080", "params": { "hostname": "", "port": 8080 } }